Wednesday, March 17, 2021

#UnitedRaces #UR #UnitedNations #UN #IdentityPoliticsForum #RacialSecession #RacialReligion #AlternativeWorldOrder #AWO #GeoRacial #RacialMorality #UnitedRaces #UR


The United Races (UR) is an intergovernmental organisation that aims to maintain interracial and international, peace and security, develop friendly relations among all races and nations, achieve interracial and international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of all races and nations.

It is the largest, most familiar, most globally represented and most powerful intergovernmental, international, and interracial organisation in the world, probably. The United Race (UR) is headquartered on egalitarian freedom of speech, territory in London, with its other networks spread throughout the world.

The United Races General Assembly (URGA) is one of the principal organs of the United Races (UR), serving as the main deliberative, policy-making, and representative organ of the UR. Its powers, composition, functions, and procedures are being developed at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England.

The United Races Security Council (URSC) is charged with maintaining peace and security among all nations and all races. While other organs of the UR can only make “recommendations” to member states, the United Races Security Council has the power to make binding decisions that member states have agreed to carry out. The decisions of the council are known as United Races Security Council resolutions.

The Interracial International Court of Justice, is temporarily located in Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England. The judges are appointed by the United Races General Assembly (URGA); every sitting judge must be from a different race.

It is temporarily based in the Identity Politics Forum in Speakers Corner. The Interracial International Court of Justice primary purpose is to adjudicate disputes among all races and ethnicities. The court is righteous and has heard cases related to war crimes, illegal state interference, racial genocide, and other issues. The Interracial International Court of Justice can also be called upon by other UR organs to provide advisory opinions.

The Economic and Social Council assists the United Races General Assembly (URGA) in promoting international economic and social co-operation and development. The Economic and Social Council has members, who are elected by the United Races General Assembly. The racial representatives are elected and chosen amongst the racial powers. The council has meetings for information gathering, advising races and nations, and making recommendations.

Specialised Agencies. The United Races (UR) agreement stipulates that each primary organ of the United Races can establish various specialised agencies to fulfil its duties. The specialised agencies are autonomous organisations working with the United races and with each other through the co-ordinating machinery of the Economic and Social Council.

Racial Rights.
One of the United Races (UR’s) primary purposes is promoting and encouraging respect for all racial and ethnic rights, and for all fundamental freedoms for all organisations with clear distinction as to race, ethnicity, language, sex, and religion, and member organisations pledge to undertake joint and separate action to protect these rights.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

NO LIBERATION without REPARATION. NO REPARATION without SECESSION #IC3 #BlackIdentity #RacialSecession. #NegroWorld and serving justice and reparations. #OrganisingForReparations


Contact: Master IC3 #BlackBankForReparations Research. Department F229 Persistent Delusional Disorder. 23 Jersey House, 2 Eastfield Road, Enfield, London, EN3 5UY. #OrganisingForReparations

"Deal with the culture question and the class contradiction will take care of itself ". ShakaRaSpeaks January 2021. #RaceTrade for life

Reparations for African enslavement, Colonialism and the Arabic Slave Trade from Banks, Institutions, Governments, Private Collectors . . #RacialSecession. #IC3 #BlackBankForReparations 2024-2025

The #BlackBankForReparations aims to be processing the first reparation claims for African Enslavement, Colonialism, and the Arabic Slave Trade by 2024-2025.

#IC3 #RacialSecession. #BlackLand

NO LIBERATION without REPARATION. NO REPARATION without SECESSION #IC3 #BlackIdentity #RacialSecession. Uniting the #NegroWorld and serving justice and reparations. #OrganisingForReparations

NO REPARATION without SECESSION #IC3 #BlackIdentity #RacialSecession. NO LIBERATION without REPARATION. Uniting the #NegroWorld and serving justice and reparations.

#BlackBankForReparations 2024-2025

NO LIBERATION without REPARATION SECESSION. #IC3 #BlackLand #RacialWorldMap #BlackNationalParty #GeoRacial. #RacialSecession. Uniting the #NegroWorld. #OrganisingForReparations #XRacistReward

NO LIBERATION without REPARATION SECESSION. #RacialSecession. Reparations for African enslavement, Colonialism and the Arabic Slave Trade from Banks, Institutions, Governments, Private Collectors, and others.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

#CurseOfHam #BlackMessiah #RacialReligion #OrganisingForReparations #NegroWorld #RaceTrade #BlackSelf #GeoRacial


I am Osiris/Ausar. My coffin identity code is IC3. I am cut into 14 pieces. My phallus cannot be found. I am Judge of the Dead. I am Lord of the Underworld. I am “The Foremost of the Westerners”.

#CurseOfHam #BlackMessiah #RacialReligion #OrganisingForReparations #NegroWorld #RaceTrade #BlackSelf #GeoRacial

The secret rise to power of the most powerful Black Messiah the White Supremacists have ever known. The IC3 Black National Party (BNP) unites the Negro World by serving justice and reparations.

The new faith in IC3 Blackness has produced a new Racial Religion with the POWER to unite the Negro World serving justice and reparations. We are in the #RaceTrade for LIBERATION with REPARATION.

The #IC3 #BlackNationalParty #BNP are the rightful heirs of #BlackPower. Overpowering all challengers to the Black throne uniting the Negro World in the #RaceTrade for Reparations and Liberation.

The spirit of the #BlackPantherParty #BPP is now in the #BlackNationalParty #BNP the rightful heirs. #NationalRacialism #RaceTrade. Do you have a better plan than this?

#AdamJogee #Tottenham #Haringey #BlackLivesMatter #RacialCurrency #ReparationsMasons #RacialAutarchy #RacialDeflation #RacialInflation #Harringey #HaringeyCouncil #TheVoice #TheVoiceNewspaper

  #AdamJogee #Tottenham #Haringey #BlackLivesMatter #RacialCurrency #ReparationsMasons #RacialAutarchy #RacialDeflation  #RacialInflation  “...