Wednesday, August 5, 2020

#ReparationsMarch to come under #IC3 #BlackRule #LondonVooDoo #VooDoo #VooDooChampions #VooDooChampionship #BlackBankForReparations #ReparationShares #BlackNationalParty #ReparationMason #ReparationsMasons #BlackPower

"Look to the East for the crowning of a #BlackKing, he is the redeemer for the days of deliverance are near" #MarcusGarvey. #BlackLondon is east of the #Caribbean and #Americas. Look to #LondonVooDoo

#LondonVooDoo #VooDoo #VooDooChampions #VooDooChampionship 
#ReparationMason #ReparationsMasons 
#IC3 #BlackBankForReparations (#BBFR) #ReparationShares 
#Africa #Americas #Caribbean #Europe #BlackDiaspora
#ReparationShares #CurseOfHam #ADOS 
#HaitianRevolution #LondonRevolution
#DuttyBoukman #CécileFatiman 
#Negropean #BlackBanking
#RacialConservation #RacialRemembrancer 
#IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF #RacialRepublic

#LondonVoodoo 1

#LondonVoodoo 2

"Look to the East for the crowning of an IC3 Black King, he is the redeemer for the days of deliverance are near" Response: London is east of the Caribbean and America. Look to #LondonVooDoo

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